AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | ADHD Information


I know I'm gonna get my ASS kicked for posting something like this....but I just got back from the friggin E.R. AGAIN..... This time it was my older son Tommy.....He had a high fever and some really weird pain in his right side at the bottom of the ribcage....I took him to the doctor, and they sent me to the e.r for x-rays............it turns out its just a pulled muscle or somethin, but the poor kid is in tons of pain...he really was scaring the sh*t out of me for a while...

This now make the 4th...yes 4th visit to the e.r in just over 3 months......

I think one more trip earns me the luxury suite

okay ladies....bash away

Dang tryan....ya should just make your  house  a  make shift hospital....  I'm glad it wasn't nothing  major with your oldest..I would  be scared to death also...   now about the  bubble wrap..I'm sure we can find alot of decorating ideas on googlelmao now thats a funny mental picture... decorations on bubble rap http://www.hgtv.com/hgtv/dc_design_themes/article/0,1793,HGT V_3383_1379465,00.html

oh hell !!!!  thats some funny sh*t!!!   oh lord you crack me up!

Thats too funny!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where on earth did you find that?I found it on google.com and typed in  room decorated in bubblewraplmfao.....tryan please take pictures I would like to see it when its done.  by the way maybe you should look into hiring a doc full time to live at your house



do you have to keep nagging on and on and on and on and on and on?  lmao

hahaha  has the er dr asked why he keeps getting hurt?

tryan what is going on at your house.  I am sending bubble wrap as we speak.

also you better start drugging your kids I think kiddrock got a bunch of stuff he could send you.

oohh let us  go  to the  er with you next timewell, bubble wrap was originally designed as a
"modern looking" wallpaper, so I'm told.
When I was working at a bookstore we had lots of
bubble wrap in the gift section.
for extra fun, try this link:

which at the moment my out of date computer
doesn't like the actual popping section, but it has lots
of other good stuff!
"perpetual bubble wrap" is a good one too, although
sadly it will not work on my computer now either.[QUOTE=ogram]

do you have to keep nagging on and on and on and on and on and on?  lmao

hahaha  has the er dr asked why he keeps getting hurt?


Actually this was Thomas this time, not Marc (thank God!!!!!)  Strangely enough, neither his Ped. or the E.R. doctor  seem to be too concerned.....I guess I'm getting real good at making the beatings look like "accidents"

I asked Tommy a million times yesterday if he fell or got hit or bumped into something and he says no...the only thing he can think of is him and his friend David were having a "contest" on who can suck their breath in the deepest so that all the bones of their chest would stick out...the doctor seems to think this would explain the pulled muscle.............

So the moral of todays story is...............

                      kids are stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

maybe tryan could do the bubble wrap wall paper and the bubble wrap furniture and windows and anywhere the kids go outside and they could just bounce instead of breakingwell at lease they won't get beat...okay that's it i'm on my way.... tell the kids to have there stuff packed auntie sheri.m is on her way...

No way!!!! You'll just sell them on the black market for crack money........

Hey......thats not such a bad idea

Hey......they asked for it!!