valuable info for anyone with ADD / ADHD | ADHD Information



How long after you started taking your vitamins and minerals did you notice any improvements?  Was it a matter of days, weeks, etc  I bought my son a high quality vitamin from the health store and a zinc supplement.  The health store is ordering a line of vitamins that is formulated for ADHD children.  It contains all the minerals, vitamins that are the possible cause for hyper children.  I believe the brand is called "Back to Basics".  I'll get that when it arrives. 





How long after you started taking your vitamins
and minerals did you notice any improvements?
Was it a matter of days, weeks, etc I bought my son
a high quality vitamin from the health store and a zinc
supplement. The health store is ordering a line of
vitamins that is formulated for ADHD children. It
contains all the minerals, vitamins that are the
possible cause for hyper children. I believe the
brand is called "Back to Basics". I'll get that when it



In my experience, it's not as simple as taking a
multi-vitamin and waiting for the symptoms to clear
up. For instance, it's always a good idea to be sure
your child is getting all the vitamins, minerals, etc.
that he needs, but it doesn't do any good if he has
trouble assimilating them in his body. It would seem
that in these chemical imbalance disorders there
are often many factors that contribute to symptoms.
For example, if your child is having mood swings or
temper problems (or both!) it could be because he is
hypoglycemic or has food allergies. Both were true
with me and contributed significantly to my mood

I worked with Julia Ross and her nutritionist in order
to determine the proper supplements and dosage
to take. I've found it most effective when I worked
with knowledgeable professionals rather than taking
a haphazard approach. Everyone is different and
unique, so it's very hard to say how long it will take. It
depends also on the level of deficiency and what
other exacerbating underlying issues are
contributing to the symptoms.

I tried working with a naturopath and Pfeiffer clinic
before finally consulting with Julia Ross where I have
made the most progress. The basic approach is
that they go over your history and symptoms, and
based on that they are able to draw some
conclusions and determine what tests are
appropriate. The accuracy of the conclusions is
largely dependent upon the skill and experience of
the practitioner. Some of the tests included:
- adrenal stress profile
- full thyroid panel
- amino acid profile
- full blood work
- pyroluria test
- heavy metal
- food allergy
- neurotransmitter levels
- candida
- hormones

One of the first conclusions they came to based on
my symptoms was that I was hypoglycemic. They put
me on a hypoglycemic diet which has helped me
tremendously in stabilizing my mood swings.
Basically, the diet consists of eliminating all refined
carbohydrates, reducing complex carbohydrates,
eating more protein and vegetables. I started to eat
5 meals a day (3 bigger ones and 2 big snacks) with
protein in each meal.

What's important to note is that many of my tests
came back normal and any regular doctor would
have said I was fine, but I knew I wasn't with all my
symptoms. Luckily Julia Ross with her years of
experience and expertise, confirmed that it's more
important to go by the symptoms than test results.
For example, my test result for pyroluria came back
negative, but my symptoms were classic for pyroluria
and Julia had me start on the pyroluria protocol.
Also, my thyroid tests all came back normal, but I
had symptoms for Wilson's thyroid syndrome which
is a reversible thyroid condition that can be easily
detected by taking your temperature. A low body
temperature is a strong indicator for this condition
especially if your thyroid tests come back negative.

So Julia went by test results when appropriate but
never relied definitively on them. The most important
thing to go by are symptoms, especially if the test
result is negative. Then she determined what
nutritional supplements I needed in the form of
vitamins, minerals and amino acids, and suggested
dietary changes such as the hypoglycemic diet. She
also suggested I eliminate gluten from my diet even
though my allergy test came back negative, based
on my symptoms and family history.

It's when I started the Wilson's thyroid protocol that I
noticed the biggest change. The difference was like
night and day, and I never knew I could feel so great.
I was so used to feeling lousy most of the time. I
finally felt like I had found the missing piece of the
puzzle to all my symptoms. The symptoms for ADD
can be found in the symptoms for Wilson's thyroid
syndrome. I've been on this protocol for 2 weeks
now, have stopped taking Adderall, and feel hopeful
for the first time that all my symptoms of ADD,
bi-polar and depression are a thing of the past.

So as you see I can't say that just the vitamins were
helpful, but it took taking care of other underlying
issues to complement the nutritional supplements
for them to be most effective.

Hope this is helpful. Good luck!
pyroluria website:
Wilson's thyroid website:

Thanks so much ! I have a son who is 8 and has bi polar and a girl who is 7 who is adhd. And I have been looking for a book that would help me with diets and so forth. Again thanks so much....



This sounds like info I've been looking for.  My son was diagnosed just recently - though we suspected it for a while.  But I bought him a great vitamin WITH ZINC.  If this doesn't work, I'll make my way down the list of things to consider.  I'm not interested in medications.  I want to find the source of the problem.  Thank you so much.


  It's important to work with a professional that is familar with these conditions, especially pyroluria.  My results have always been best when I've had a knowledgeable professional looking over my shoulder. 

  BTW, here's my pyroluria protocol:

With Breakfast and Lunch:

 - 500 mg Pantothenic Acid

 - 500 mg niacin

 - 50 mg PSP

 - 30 mg chelated zinc

In addition I take a high quality multi vitamin, 1000mg vitamin c with bioflavonoids and several other supplements.  This can be a complicated protocol and needs to be followed closely, hence my urging to you to find a competent professional in your area.




I'm an adult who has been diagnosed with ADD / bi-polar / depression and wanted to share with you the protocol I've used to cure myself of depression, mood swings and ADD. Yes, cure. I no longer have to take Adderall and feel great! The side effects from taking Adderall were terrible. I found it to be addictive and it wasn't worth the possible long term consequences of using it.

I cannot recommend enough the book "The Mood Cure" by Julia Ross. I've worked with Julia and her Recovery Systems staff and have been wonderfully pleased with the results.

In a nutshell, the keys to my condition were caused by:

- hypoglycemia

- wilson's thyroid syndrome (see:

- pyroluria - here's the website that explains this condition:

- adrenal exhaustion

- neurotransmitter depletion

I've since been able to make major headway through changes in diet, lifestyle, using nutritional supplementation, and taking a temporary thyroid protocol to virtually eliminate my symptoms. It's important to note that all the symptoms of ADD can be found in the symptoms of Wilson's thyroid syndrome (a reversible thyroid condition) and can be exacerbated by all the other conditions, so that it's crucial to look at all the possibilities for the underlying causes of ADD symptoms. It's been nothing short of amazing. Check out this book. It's full of useful information and may be a life saver.

