My son has just been diagnosed ADHD. | ADHD Information


My six year old son has just been diagnosed with Adhd, dislexia and dispraxia. I have been advised to have an eye test done for Irlens syndrome has anyone out there had any experience off this test



If he is this young and has dyslexia and dyspraxia, plus vision problems, he may have an essential fatty acid deficiency.  These are the symptoms of an essential fatty acid deficiency, along with dry itchy skin, asthma and allergies, eczema, excessive thirst, sleep problems, psoriasis, and behavior problems.  All of these do not have to be present in order for the deficiency to exist.

When my son was 4 1/2 he needed glasses, had dyslexia, eczema, dry itchy skin, and asthma and allergies.  He began exhibiting behavior problems also. Psychiatrists wanted to put him on lithium because they thought he was bipolar.  I decided to try Efalex, an essential fatty acid supplement that has Omega-3 fatty acids.  Within 2 weeks his behavior problems stopped, and after a few months his dyslexia disappeared, he no longer needed glasses, and his asthma disappeared and his allergies improved.  He has taken Efalex since 1999 because an EFA deficiency is not cured and the supplements must be taken long-term or the problems reappear.

I would suggest you read "The LCP Solution" by Jacqueline Stordy PhD and Malcolm Nicholl, and "The ADD Nutrition Solution" by Marcia Zimmerman.

The key to EFA supplementation is getting at least 480 mg DHA per day.  You can't just take DHA or fish oil, but you have to take the correct balance of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.  Most diets are rich in Omega-6s but are low in Omega-3s.  Efalex has DHA and AA; Kyle needs the AA as well as the DHA.  You can try fish oil capsules along with Evening Primrose Oil capsules also.  Coromega is another good brand, as is Natural Factors Learning Factors.

There are quite a few parents who use EFA supplements on the Natural Solutions board, and there is good information at the ADHD forum at as well at and



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