Not to discount the supplement mentioned above, and I am so happy for you gram50 that it works for your family, but I have also heard that you shouldn't give omega 3 supplements to children. I don't know, you may need to do some research.
We have had some results by dramatically decreasing simple sugars and starch, particularly early in the day, and increasing proteins. Vitamin and mineral supplements also help and we are not using meds at this point. You are probably right, it is likely not possible to get him to calm down and learn from his mistakes at age 4. Best to just try to prevent mistakes as much as possible, they may be beyond his control, and reward his successes.
My son has made awesome progress just by changing his diet and giving him vitamins/supplements. Read my thread "Dramatic Improvement thru Vitamins/Suppl" for info. Good luck.
It is absolutely not true that children should not take omega 3s. Do the research. Read the article from Health Perspectives and see the clinical trials with omega 3s and Ritalin. It's amazing to me that this isn't something that all of us have read! But from what I see the drug companies are so powerful that we aren't going to see a lot of good natural remedies in the media for a while. In the mean time I have had my family on this product for more than 4 months and there are no side effects. We range in age from just under 2 to 50 and not a complaint here.
I have done a mountain of research because I like any parent am not going to be guinie pigs to everything out there the drug companies throw at us. This product works for ADHD Depression Alzhymeirs Dementia. This is a fact and we aren't the only happy family ...there are many!
You need to try Seabiotics Childrens Neurofactor. It is highly purified omega 3 fatty acids and highly purified deep ocean shark liver oil with alkylglycerols (in breast milk to build the immune system. My whole family is on the product. My sons and I are ADHD and now my grand daughter. All of us are now off meds and ADHD symptom free.
Email me I and I can send you all the info you want.
I have been trying to get help for my 4-year old son and cannot find a doctor to evaluate him for ADHD. It runs heavily in my husband's side of the family. I am terribly frustrated with figuring out ways to calm him down and teach him so he can understand and learn from his mistakes, but it seems impossible. I am looking for something natural to use to help him, but I don't know what is suitable for his age. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.i gave my kid 1/2 cup coffee w/ 1/2 cup cocoa mixed in the morning when he was younger, it worked for awhile until afternoon (withdrawls?) any way had serious problems with the sugar content, now hes on concerta at 7, and very strict diet w/ vitamins. good luck. try to laugh alot about the cute things, then the hyperness doen't seem so bad. goodluck!! ( I wouldn't suggest the coffee/cocoa combination sugar and caffien wern't a smart way fo me to start my childs diet, oh well live and learn!.)When my son was in preschool, some people thought he was hyperactive, too. I just thought he was a typical boy with a really great outgoing personality. I was the opposite as a child so I was thrilled that he was so not shy like I was. But I tried a variety of natural supplements like Omega 3, chamomile to relax him, lecithin supplements, and some of those I found over the Internet for ADD/ADHD. Nothing changed. He was just the same. And with all the complaints I was getting from my son's school this year I just had to give in and bring him in to his doctor for prescription med. He's in first grade.
My office manager's grandson though is one really hyper four year old. They also have a history of ADHD in his family but with him being so young, they just give him the equivalent of a stimulant in nonprescription form---Mountain Dew, well-known for its caffeine content. I just don't know about the sugar in it, unless they give him diet Dew. I'm not trying to promote any brand of soda, but I thought it was interesting, though I don't necessarily agree that it's a healthy way to start a four year old's day.
I agree about getting evaluation from your school district. My son was evaluated when he was 41/2. He is now with their Early childhood program and getting services ranging from OT to speech and psychology. He is ADHD diagnosed officially now that he is 5 1/2 and on meds. he has made tremendous progress. dont wait too long. get your son evaluated also by psychiatrist. The sooner the better. good luck.
Seabiotics Childrens Neurofactor isn't the same as any other omega 3s. This product also has Alkylglycerols. AKGs are in breast milk to help build the immune system. This is the only product on the market like this. It works for ADHD. Remember if the immune system is working properly our bodies will heal itself!