strattera side effects ? | ADHD Information


Hi Kelly,

My son has been on Strattera for months and it only made him sick for a while.  Actually, he has the anger problem with he isn't taking his medication.

But if you son is showing these signs this might not be the best medication for him.  You might have to switch him.  Every child is different. 

Good luck and God bless you.

I am new here. My 8 yr old son was just diagnosed with ADD. He started strattera  last Wednesday and starting on friday and throughout the weekend he has had dramatic outbursts of anger over things that would have normally just made him a little upset.

He got so angry on saturday that he was hitting the ground with an aluminum baseball bat saying he hated his dad and wanted to kill him because they were playing basketball together and my husband stole the ball from him. Very unlikely behavior from an otherwise sweet child who just has problems focusing and paying attention. Also got really upset at little brother for stepping in his seat in our van and started yelling and going on and on about it.

Is this a normal side effect that will even out? Have called pediatrician and am waiting to hear back. Would just like some other input also. thanks.

