Sadly the new asd requirements are not known by all. Not one asd is alike. Delays are not part of add or adhd. Asd kids also have attention problems. Some asd people are social but not all. We start our testing this week with Daniel. I believ he is pdd though. He scores moderate on the child list.

Has he ever seen a NeuroPsych? They test for ADHD and beyond. The developmental delays, ADHD hyperactivity, and inappropriate touching, not to mention anxiety are almost poster child symptoms for high functioning autistic spectrum disorder, which is usually mistaken for ADHD when a child is young. IMO, you should have him assessesd by one who understands ASD. My ADHD son had all those issues. Now that he's older he is more appropriately labeled as high functioning Autistic Spectrum Disorder and is doing very well, but those intervetnions need to start young. You may want to ask the same question of the parents on a PDD board (link below) as I doubt this is straight up ADHD. You'd need a NeuroPsych (found at university and children's hosptials for a diagnosis as psycologists and even many psychiatarists are not "up" on high functioning autism). ADHD interventions alone will not help the other issues. Here ya go: I also included a very accurate PDD assessment test. What sort of developmental delays does he have? Speech? Social skills? Does he play with toys appropriately or is he more apt to just line them up or not play with them at all? How is his interplay with other kids? Does he run and hope they follow him or does he have meaningful playtime with them, as in they play Star Wars, tag, or have even silly conversations? How old is he??? My son is almost 13!




Thanks again for your reply.  We have had him tested several times for Asperberger's, with no-one really diagnosing him.  I have also completed many charts, but he does not line up toys and was only delayed, due to the situation with his birth mom and in foster care.  (This is a separate child, we have adopted, not the argumentative one.)  It seems like he gets anxious when he is around kids, so he clams up and hugs them, because he does not know what to do.  It keeps sounding part Asperberger's, but when we test him, he just doesn't fit that mold.  We are enrolling him in a social program that children with Autism or ADHD social problems go to, so hopefully this will help.

Thanks again for the helpful information.

Yay, I hear ya. Lucas didn't fit in either. In the end, though, we pushed and he does have PDD-NOS, which is atypical autism. He's doing great now, but he was quite a handful before. I'd take him to a NeuroPsych. We heard everything from "he's too social" to "his eye contact is too good" blah, blah, but I knew. Lucas never lived with his birthmom (in his case, it was a good thing). When he came to us, he was a very complicated kid--hard to sort out. I wouldn't let a Psycologist (without the Neuro) diagnose him---or a school district. We got shafted each time. Does he socialize well with other kids? These adopted kids are hard to figure out partly due to all the undiagnosed problems on the family tree, so limited info for the professionals. But, truly, we found that most professionals don't understand ASD. It's pretty newly recognized as a problem--Aspergers was found out only in the past ten years, and PDD-NOS same thing.[QUOTE=jobige]

Our son was diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety, along with developmental delays.

He seems to blurt out inappropriate things and touches people all the time.  Hugging, and just grabbing their clothes, etc.  Anyone else have this issue with their ADHD child?


Our son -- who is diagnosed with ADHD -- displayed all of those symptoms.  It was a way for him to connect with others and he just did not realize it was inappropriate.  Once we were able to control some of his impulse issues (through a supplementation program) he was able to contain himself better.  Still, when he is overstimulated, he can display some of what you describe, but it is not as severe as it was before. 

Our son was diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety, along with developmental delays.

He seems to blurt out inappropriate things and touches people all the time.  Hugging, and just grabbing their clothes, etc.  Anyone else have this issue with their ADHD child?