IT Professionals and Adult ADD | ADHD Information


[QUOTE=Davidornado][QUOTE=Hopeful46]In case someone doesn't drill down to this section? Did you start this site? If so, it is great. I would love to have some tips on how you got so many members so quickly. Ultimately, may final project has to be a website that will assist an industry or a community. [/QUOTE]

Ah, shoot! I missed a good one. Here 'tis, nevert'less... 

[quote=DAvidOrnaDo~g re-]

Thanks for the good thoughts, but no, I didn't start this site; I just startled it...

...we're still the boots on the ground when it comes to punching it through.

Best wishes,



Best wishes,



Best wishes,


Hey, didy' hear the echo here?!

[QUOTE=Hopeful46]Is there any area of IT that causes you difficulty due to your ADD?[/QUOTE]

Yes, the Users.

OMG! Hopeful, you just stepped on a landmine! I just snorted coffee!!!

Walked into that one, didn't ya?!!

You are a newbie, eh? hehe 

Gotta luv ya!

Welcome to the Tapestry!



Its Dorie from Finding Nemo.  Not to be obsessive, but I've babysat too many kids to miss it.  You don't have to change it, the quote rocks my world.

i want it to be my theme for life

[QUOTE=Hopeful46]By the way, it is great that you are so positive, we need to know that there are positive, successful people overcoming the disease. Yes, I know there are many but there are far too many of us that have been diagnosised for years, on and off meds and in and out of support groups that are still struggling. I know for a fact that each of us are giving 200% everyday that we are able and drawing back numbs. So:

For those of us struggling for decades: Hang in there. It looks like the calvary is on the way!!

For those of who have found a way to deal with it: Kudos to you! Keep letting us know you are there and it is possible to be content and fulfilled.[/QUOTE]

Wow, Hopeful!

You're a Trooper! Tanks for the encouragement, again! 

3d Armored Cavalry Regiment

Boots on the Ground, Operation Iraqi Freedom

Yes, diagnosed combined type ADD, really severe.

IT for the last 15 years. I build and secure high performance networks.

IT is perfect for ADD -

1. high stimulation/high stress - there's always crunch time

2. generally reactive - fixing bugs, fixing security holes, fixing stuff thats broken

3. high pressure - downtime costs me ,000 per minute. That's pretty good motivation.

4. technology - it's always changing, never fixed, you're always playing catchup.

5. hyperfocus - ever had to fix that obscure bug? Stay up 4 days straight with no help but lots of caffienated soda? Sure!! That sounds like my ideal week.

6. Concrete deadlines - a server is up or down, software works or it doesnt. There is no grey.

7. Art/logic - it spans both sides of our brains, logic makes it work, artistry makes it cool.

8. who dares wins - to be the best you have to take risks, so what if mySQL say they can only handle 10,000 transaction, we'll do 500k per second (and we did)

9. Opinions - in IT/tech you argue with other like minded people a lot. This is called brainstorming. We come up with creative ways to make stuff work. Marketing come up with some stupid idea? We find the hacks to make it happen, or we can come up with a 5 page report within a few minutes to explain exactly why they're being so f'ing stupid.

10. Electricity. Computers themselves are stimulating, maybe because of the subliminal refresh of the monitor but there's something highly addicting about its possibilities. I can sit for 18 hours a day in front of this screen and never once get bored - but then I'll travel the world.

11. Google - Holy crap, ADD and my brain wants to know everything. I am an expert at research. I'm the kind of guy that canfind out the name of that guy who did that song, you know, from that movie with that guy in it who directed that tv show......rapidly I'll find out the movie, the guy, the tv show, the composer, the song, it's history, who covered it, why it's memorable and whatever else is linked to it.

Crap stuff:

1. paperwork. Luckily tech doesnt need much. But code is notorious for lack of documentation, as is networks.

2. stagnations - a happy network is a bored ADD tech.

3. distraction - during slow times research can lead to reading slashdot or forums all day long because it was more interesting.

4. messy office space - can be dealt wth by understanding bosses,but your work area looks like a bomb hit it. So does everyone elses - except the OCD QA staff and the OCD system admin.

5. Overstimulation. I'm an information junkie. Using my pdocs model: My mind works very fast and I"m lucky that I'm very intelligent (his words, not mine), however - if my mind gets set on something I can hit overdrive and rather than getting tired my mind starts racing out of control. At this point I'm like a machine flipping out as I need tons of input/stimulation/information to continue to function. As someone who reads normally at 900 words per minute that can be traumatic. At times like this I've been known to cover unix internals, biblical scholarship, trans am schematics, OZ episode guides, sed & awk, skydiving manuals for reading, while watching skydiving videos, action movies, and listening to techno or classical music - during this phase I literally cannot slow down my mind, medication makes it far worse. The only way I've found to stop it is to play a video game (one) for days. I lock myself in a room and force myself to get bored. The game is still stimulation so I dont flip out, but it lets me gradually slow things down. AFter about 3 days I'm somewhat back to normal and ready to function again.

Yes, it sounds insane to me too, but it's a cycle I've been living with most of my life, when I was younger it was partially physically hyperactive episodes, now it's totally mental.

Well, that was way too much information.

I have gotten all A & B in school except for my JAVA class. My biggest ADD issue has always been moving to fast, making mistakes and not seeing them even when i proofread 2 or 3x.

Was writing accurate programming code an issue for you? Do you think there are many ADDers in IT? Do you know any? Do you work with any you think have ADD but you have never discussed it with them?


I am in the IT field. But since I am on the consulting side I have to talk and be with people all the time. And I like it. One of my strenght is to feel or sense what people are trying to say and be right on with my solutions.

Maybe it's the sub-type of ADD but my worst time is when I am left alone in front on my computer with a non challenging task. I will spend my day day-dreaming. I started my career as a programmor but I had to change I could not do it anymore.

I need new projects. New challenges. New problems to fix.

Feel free if you want to ask me quesitons.

Well, I'm not an ADDer sort of, I'm full blown.

Well, I'm not an IT full blown, but sort of.

Well, I'm full of full blown air (some think it hot), btw (some think me hot), but I can jump on conclusions fairly well. Here's mine:

Yes, a lot of ADDers work in IT, b/c it requires disjointed logic to

1. Write a program.

2. Trouble shoot a program.

3. Create a network.

4. Link a network.

5. Troubleshoot the network.

6. Shoot the troubled networker.

7. The complex thinking of the union of many parts to make a whole is what makes an ADDer tick. Or tock, as the case may be. Or a politician quack, for that matter.

8. Great idea for a thread, btw, wish I'da thotit.

"Just keep swimming" - Dorie,SharkTale [/QUOTE]

P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney

My programs were acurate. But I was never doing enough test. I seemed to have the ability to cover all the possibility as I was coding. Therefore there was not that many problem to fix. Beside spelling problem on the screens.

I programmed full time from 86 to 90 using Clipper. And did less and less as my career progreessed. I was able to move to the technicle side. Servers and Network. Being involfved in both side helped me cope with ADD. My days were diversifyed and would help me choose the task I wanted to do.

It's hard to tell if I came across other ADDer. ADD/ADHD is somewhat new to me (last year or so). Before that I always though I was the only one with a problem. I have a co-worker who claims she have ADD. Her way to cope with it is not to start anything she will have a problem with. She has enough work to allow that. Maybe my boss (the owner of the company) has it. It's hard to tell. I see some hyper but I don't work with him that much.

Maybe from now on since I have more information I will notice more. But in all this time nothing stands out to show that there is more ADDer in IT.

Thanks. It is something that has been knawing at me for a while. I am hoping if I can find a therpuetic, non-threatening way to bring it to the industries attention. Maybe we can get help and be understood better, instead of getting fired and living with the continuous same that comes from half truths on your resume.

Do you know how I can get the question to show on the main directory. In case someone doesn't drill down to this section? Did you start this site? If so, it is great. I would love to have some tips on how you got so many members so quickly. Ultimately, may final project has to be a website that will assist an industry or a community.



Is there any area of IT that causes you difficulty due to your ADD?

By the way, it is great that you are so positive, we need to know that there are positive, successful people overcoming the disease. Yes, I know there are many but there are far too many of us that have been diagnosised for years, on and off meds and in and out of support groups that are still struggling. I know for a fact that each of us are giving 200% everyday that we are able and drawing back numbs. So:

For those of us struggling for decades: Hang in there. It looks like the calvary is on the way!!

For those of who have found a way to deal with it: Kudos to you! Keep letting us know you are there and it is possible to be content and fulfilled.



Yes, a lot of ADDers work in IT, b/c it requires disjointed logic to


umm. Maybe. Thats a way to see it. I was looking for the disfunctional side.

[QUOTE=Hopeful46]Thanks. It is something that has been knawing at me for a while. I am hoping if I can find a therpuetic, non-threatening way to bring it to the industries attention. Maybe we can get help and be understood better, instead of getting fired and living with the continuous same that comes from half truths on your resume.

Do you know how I can get the question to show on the main directory. In case someone doesn't drill down to this section? Did you start this site? If so, it is great. I would love to have some tips on how you got so many members so quickly. Ultimately, may final project has to be a website that will assist an industry or a community.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the good thoughts, but no, I didn't start this site. I just ADDed to it...

As for uplining your topic, only the administrator can create a new category or sub-category, but anyone can can create a thread topic as you have. You can contact the admin, but what I do is slightly vary the post (won't allow double posting), and copy it to the categories I think would respond.

As for the industry needing education, yes, we all agree on that. We've got the government behind us, in the ADA laws, but we're still the boots on the ground when it comes to punching it through.

Best wishes,


As a 46 yr old ADDers sort of working in the Information Technology field as a Project Manager, I am about to graduate with my Bachelors in IT- Project management. I am continuing on my Masters and PhD. in IT-PM.   I have run into (4) professionals in my on-line university (minimum admittance age - 25) who have Adult ADD. Currently, I am job hunting, again, hence the sort of!!!

I am exploring possible topics for final project. I have a hunch that because computers often allow us to particpate in life without communication face to face with the outside world, there maybe many of us that have chosen computers as a profession to deal with our ADD. One of our most famous ADDer's, created the e-ticket, the eletronic plane ticket. This was one of the best inventions in hx for Adult ADDers. As least, it was for me. I used to travel for business a lot and I was always misplacing my tickets.

Please advise if you have an opinion or know of anyone who is in Information Technology and has ADD? Or if you work with someone in IT, you work with someone in IT and you think probably has ADD but you have never discussed it with them? Of whether you think this is a viable theory, why and why not. Also, please let me know if you are willing to be personally interviewed for my project?

I am looking forward to your comments. Thank you in advance,

Pete is nice I only talked  to him on the phone but he seems like someone who is a born advocate. 

Hopeful -

I can't see the posting tonight - but I'll check when more awake.  Just been through a battle I never meant to start on another discussion and am just pooped out emotionally (is there anything more ADHD? LOL).  I'll recharge my batts and peek later.

Sounds like you PMd without checking first.  Most times it's cool but some people see it as an affront.  They'll get over it have no fear.  We're all quick to anger fast to forget.  It's one of the nice things about this thing - I rarely ever held a grudge.

This is one place where an ADDer can mess up a few times and still be understood.  After all - who here could cast that first stone?? Certainly not me!

I for one like you already.  You seem very positive and perky and that's how I like people!  Nary a negative word from you and that goes miles with me!


so fear not my friend - it's all good.


You can email me if you like - I never hide it -  I take the little additional spam as part of the whole thing and like the extra people on my address list.  I'm different that way.


- Glen


Would love to tell you more but can't.  The description is posted another place in the forum. The administrators are reviewing the project now. I am new to the forum and apparently have made some inappropriate PM's.  Once they advise whether it is okay, I will be happy to let you know more.

You know you have it bad when you get booted of the site in less than 3 days. But it is a great forum, I have learned a lot and one of the things I have learned is than there is always someone worth than me.

I'll keep you posted. It a great idea that will benefit us all. I just hope I didn't kill it for all of us. It's  the downside of this dreaded dis. we cannot contain yourself and we always mess up a good thing for everybody.  I'm really sorry guys.


[QUOTE=Hopeful46]Glen W - Great success story. Really hope you decide to be a part of our project team.[/QUOTE]

Maybe I have ADHD - but I don't have the foggiest notion about what project team you're on.  Can you send me info?  Not that I'm not busy but if it's ADHD related I try and stuff it in there wherever there's space.

- Glen

Oh - thank you ALL for your kind words about me.  I am not not only suffering ADHD but overinflated ego!! Can't fit into my little apartment anymore - have to leave my giant head in the hallway!! ROFL

What was I thinking!

My plan was to save this article for our new website but the CEO of JetBlue and Kinko are all over the place, so I may as well share now. Like it was mine to save. It is on the Internet for god's sake. It is also, the best PR I have found next to Jane Pauley's show. I plan to email each of the men in the article and Ty Pennington to get quotes, if not funding for research on ADD - IT Professionals. The article about 5 CEO's is entitled: ADD in the Corner Office NO=23

According to this blog, all of the professionals have long been aware of the connection between ADDer's and IT for all of the reasons that Davidorando stated earlier. Peter Quilly, a ADD Coach with ADD, even had a ADD table at  Techvibes Massive Tech Conference And Expo at Science world March 30ht in Vancouver to promote ADD Awareness and our group Enjoy! See the positive side of ADD! All of this stuff is from his website. Here's the link.

Apparently, we are not the first to make this correlation on ADD and IT Professionals. Below is an article by an ADD coach.

Also, it would be great to get our hands on a copy of the tape from the Jane Pauley Show on the Positvies of ADD, where she interviewed. David Neeleman, CEO of JetBlue. I saw the show, it great PR for us.


Fallen, Davidorando, Mullarandu and others -

Your post doesn't sound crazy at all. It sounds wonderful, logical and very similar to my life and the lives of most of us, who will respond to this topic. You have my mind reeling. You make me want to take this in 1000 different directions.

For those who may have missed it, I have to come up with a final project website topic by 12/05 that will benefit an organization, community or industry. Of course, as an ADDers, I am thinking of doing all three. Orginally, I was thinking of an exclusive Adult ADD site. I get tired of filtering thru the kids' stuff to get to the adult stuff. I had planned to have a page devoted to IT info as it related to ADD. I would say "one step at a time" but now that would not be us!

The site will need to be flawless by the 2/06. The course and undergrad program is over 3/06. My first Masters quarter starts 04/06. I plan to continue researching and pursuing topics, medical research, resources and legislation that will benefit Adult ADDers. If we have a large enough chunck of folks in IT, we can concentrate on that and it will benefit all Adult ADD Professionals, as the larger subset, by default.

This may be bigger than we think! I have to buiild a project team. Would you be interested in working with me to develop the requirements, technical and functional designs, scoping sessions and more ideas for the final project? I have ADD which means I can pump out a project scope, charter or plan in no time. Then, maybe we can all argue, no I mean brainstorm  (I'm also a comedian, in my own mind) about what we want to see on the site. I need to start a spreadsheet of Adult ADD - IT pros. Will you please send me your request for me to add you and permission to contact you to, if you are interested in working on this project. Let's confine our scope to to Adults first, then we can do Phase II for the IT- kids w/ADD. Boy, can you just imagine how many of those their are??? And how much happier they will grow up because of what we are about to do. Wow! I final know why I have suffered so with ADD. The ADD-IT kids are the purpose for our lives, you guys!!! Knowing they will not have to suffer as we have, sure does make it all worthwhile and they will be incredible things!!!

Does any know if Billy Gates or another famous IT executive that we could get to sponsor us that has ADD? From the movies and articles, he has the symptons but them many ADD symptons are just plain old techie symptons.  I know of quite a few famous people but known in IT to my knowledge. But I will research and find them, the power of the NET rules.[/QUOTE]

Hi HOpe, Hi Hope, It's off to work I go!

Yeah, my hat's in the ring. I can't do some of the technical stuff, but I can brainstorm all over you. Got your umbrella? Know what's Freaky? Is what you wrote is already wrote somewhen around here. And I can find it. I'll be your researcher, as that's what I do best. That and dbs.

Let me start with the Manifesto. Here's the link. KW=manifesto&PN=0&TPN=1


I do research, pattern analysis and recognition. problem scoping, application logic design, implementation analysis. I can also code, do database work and security.

Unfortunately my day job tends to be quite random at times.

Feel free to PM me and i'll pass along my contact details.
Mullaru wrote:


Its Dorie from Finding Nemo.  Not to be obsessive, but I've babysat too many kids to miss it.  You don't have to change it, the quote rocks my world.

i want it to be my theme for life
what can you do...

My quote:  Just keep swimming is my life. As a PM, I decided if I knew programming, I would garner more respect from the programmers on my project teams, if I could speak their lingo. So I decided to ignore the suggested PM electives, create my own degree plan than would make me an expert in Wireless Programming-Project management. I would take a basic java or OOA, wireless and mobile course. I would be unique and consult for 0 p/hr. As SME (Subject Matter Expert). I would never be without a job again; I would be in demand. Rightttttt!   ADD would not let me wait for the basic programming course and wating would not allow me to take all the programming elective I wanted and get out on time. So, dummie me takes the Intermediate course! I was in Week 4 of a 10-week course, when the quarter was over and my learners were all on spring break, bummer!. This was before I got my accomodation letter over to Capella too. My instructor told me he didn't think I could complete the course but he would give me an extension.

I started pumping out assignments, emailing them to him and signing it, "Like Dorie, I'll still swimming." He looked the quote and would alway reply "you're doing, great and just keep swimming" I got a "C". yeh, baby! It is the only one I have, it broke my grade point average down; but to me it is an "A" because I am very proud of myself, making it through that course.  I am very afraid to take another programming class, though. I have this quarter and next and I am out of there on roller skates. I would say, I got that out-of-control ADD elective issue under control! Now, I am taking know-them-like the back-of-hand PM courses.

This was a lesson learned for me. All the programmers said "That won't matter to me, anyway; we just want a great PM for project and you're already that."

Hopeful46 wrote:
Is there any area of IT that causes you difficulty due to your ADD?

Davidorando wrote:   Yes, the Users.
Hopeful46 wrote: How true, How true!! Good one. That's right, we all are comedians, aren't we.


Glen W - Great success story. Really hope you decide to be a part of our project team.

Fallen, Davidorando, Mullarandu and others -

Your post doesn't sound crazy at all. It sounds wonderful, logical and very similar to my life and the lives of most of us, who will respond to this topic. You have my mind reeling. You make me want to take this in 1000 different directions.

For those who may have missed it, I have to come up with a final project website topic by 12/05 that will benefit an organization, community or industry. Of course, as an ADDers, I am thinking of doing all three. Orginally, I was thinking of an exclusive Adult ADD site. I get tired of filtering thru the kids' stuff to get to the adult stuff. I had planned to have a page devoted to IT info as it related to ADD. I would say "one step at a time" but now that would not be us!

The site will need to be flawless by the 2/06. The course and undergrad program is over 3/06. My first Masters quarter starts 04/06. I plan to continue researching and pursuing topics, medical research, resources and legislation that will benefit Adult ADDers. If we have a large enough chunck of folks in IT, we can concentrate on that and it will benefit all Adult ADD Professionals, as the larger subset, by default.

This may be bigger than we think! I have to buiild a project team. Would you be interested in working with me to develop the requirements, technical and functional designs, scoping sessions and more ideas for the final project? I have ADD which means I can pump out a project scope, charter or plan in no time. Then, maybe we can all argue, no I mean brainstorm  (I'm also a comedian, in my own mind) about what we want to see on the site. I need to start a spreadsheet of Adult ADD - IT pros. Will you please send me your request for me to add you and permission to contact you to, if you are interested in working on this project. Let's confine our scope to to Adults first, then we can do Phase II for the IT- kids w/ADD. Boy, can you just imagine how many of those their are??? And how much happier they will grow up because of what we are about to do. Wow! I final know why I have suffered so with ADD. The ADD-IT kids are the purpose for our lives, you guys!!! Knowing they will not have to suffer as we have, sure does make it all worthwhile and they will be incredible things!!!

Does any know if Billy Gates or another famous IT executive that we could get to sponsor us that has ADD? From the movies and articles, he has the symptons but them many ADD symptons are just plain old techie symptons.  I know of quite a few famous people but known in IT to my knowledge. But I will research and find them, the power of the NET rules.



For me - I originally didn't choose to be in IT - the government was paying to start off back in 1985 so I said "what the hell" and went for it.  I am a degree holder in information systems tech.  I worked the field nearly 20 years - and I can say it wasn't to get away from people - exactly the opposite!

When I started I was in my shell so much.  Very introverted and scared of communicating lest I show my ADHD self (unknowing it was ADHD just thought I was scatterbrained).  Computers allowed me to talk in a field I KNEW and knew intimately to others.  I chose fields after that which allowed me to come out and be in the public where I was in control - people listened to me for advice and help because I was in power!

I eventually ended up in my own company selling and repairing computers for a large rural area.  It was ADHD that eventually did me in there - but it was a wild ride!  I can honestly say I would never have been outgoing in the least without getting into IT and it's counterparts.  That's about it!


- Glen